A collection of 9 articles Tawanda Masvikeni
Social Media APIs and Best Use Cases

Social Media APIs and Best Use Cases

If the phrase API sounds alien to you, don’t fear. APIs are a common part of accessing different services on the internet. As you’ll soon realize, you probably use them...
How to find your unicorn content?

How to find your unicorn content?

If we look at all the content you’ve published on your social media channels these past few months, we’ll find one thing. And it’s something you’ll really want to know;...
How to track competitors’ followers growth rate on social media

How to track competitors’ followers growth rate on social media

In social media management, competitive benchmarking is a goldmine of insights.  Brands are competing for growth, reach, engagement, and conversions—all from the same target a...
How to track and analyze your competitors’ content strategy 

How to track and analyze your competitors’ content strategy 

You’re competing for the same share of attention on social media.  You and other businesses in your space are trying to get engagement, brand growth, and, ultimately, sales from the...
How to track competitors’ promoted Instagram posts?

How to track competitors’ promoted Instagram posts?

You’ve probably found yourself wondering what your competitors are up to on social media, for example, on Instagram.  Often as a part of a social media analytics report, socia...
7 Competitive benchmarking tactics to measure your social media performance

7 Competitive benchmarking tactics to measure your social media performance

You probably have some idea of how your social media content is performing.  But is it clear enough to really be actionable? And does it show you the full scope...
Introduction to Listen Module 101: Stay informed about your brand health with social listening

Introduction to Listen Module 101: Stay informed about your brand health with social listening

The better you know who you’re talking to, the more effectively your message will land.  That’s a principle you’re likely applying to your social media strategy, fine-tuning i...
Essential social media Engage features to stay connected with audiences and remote team members

Essential social media Engage features to stay connected with audiences and remote team members

Do you know that a third (32.3%) of your customers who are reaching out for support might be doing so on social media?  Whether it’s a current customer or someone...
Collect meaningful data for a better ROI using Sociality.io Analytics Module

Collect meaningful data for a better ROI using Sociality.io Analytics Module

Results.  That’s the name of the game when it comes to social media marketing.  And all your efforts so far have been aimed at getting better results from your campaigns:...