More responsive and adaptive to the evolving needs of customers Case Studies - Filli Boya - Ece İpek

Ece İpek

Social Media Specialist case study - Announcekit


Filli Boya

Employee count

1K - 5K

Website link


Istanbul, Türkiye


Chemical Manufacturing

A forward-thinking paint company focused on experiencing marketing

We had the pleasure of conducting an insightful interview with Ece, who embarked on her professional journey with Betek Boya through a summer internship in her college years. Established in 1988 in Türkiye and later acquired by Asia’s No.1 paint company Nippon Paint in 2019; with its over 1950 employees; Betek Boya houses some of Türkiye's largest paint brands, such as Fawori Boya, Nippon Paint, Tempo and with the No.1 brand Filli Boya.

As a Social Media Specialist within the Customer Experience Management Department, a division thriving under the umbrella of an 80+ member Marketing Department, Ece diligently assumes the responsibility for the online presence of all the company's subbrands. She explains, “Our commitment to intertwining social media with a rich customer experience has led to the incorporation of our Social Media management within the Customer Experience Department. In this context, the Listen module holds immense importance for us, emphasizing our dedication to a mission and vision centered not merely on product promotion but delivering meaningful experiences.“

Ece further elaborates, “Transitioning numerous responsibilities from external agencies to our in-house team was strategic. Establishing this customer-centric approach with our customers, agents, and dealers has become our priority as we now handle many aspects internally. Upon bringing our operations in-house, the call rates at our customer service center saw a significant decline as we shifted towards providing answers to numerous queries through social media channels.”

As Ece and her team brought essential functions in-house for a more personalized and engaging interaction with their target markets, the need for more professional management of this realm became evident. “Acceleration through a dedicated platform like yours was identified as a key requirement. Precise and comprehensive reporting was recognized as essential for optimal performance tracking. Understanding the time commitment required for moderation became a focal point,” she affirms.

“This shift not only ensured a more efficient management process but also established a framework that elevated our professionalism. The transition to streamlined our operations, making us more responsive and adaptive to the evolving needs of our audience. Before adopting, we utilized other tools. However, those tools failed to provide the efficiency and performance required.” Ece notes, “They did not meet our needs adequately. Additionally, they lacked the attribute of being consistently updated; we faced challenges when attempting to address issues or incorporate new features, often receiving delayed responses. This became particularly crucial for us as we manage not just one brand but multiple brands, each with its distinct competitors. Realizing the need for a more contemporary solution, we conducted research and discovered“

Ece continues, “Previously, the comments and direct messages (DMs) weren't rapidly integrated into the system. I had first to check the old tool, then access the application to gather updates and manage the content. With our strict turnaround time of 45 minutes to respond to customer messages/comments, the lack of a tool that keeps information current required manual efforts, resulting in time loss.

“Once we acquired, we swiftly integrated Competitor Analysis and Listening. Previously, we collaborated with an agency solely offering listening services but encountered difficulties in updating our keywords regularly. With Listen, we can modify keywords daily, and it’s a big advantage,” Ece expresses enthusiastically. She believes that the transition to eased their tasks and offered clarity and simplification. “Daily notifications and updates from your side spark discussions on how we, as Betek Boya, can leverage them.”

The first thing she does every morning is to log into and pull the Listen data, which she then shares with top-level management. “Our goal is to stay active daily, swiftly turning data into action,” she explains.

“If we have a campaign, we promptly configure the tool to focus on specific aspects, generating reports the following day. This flexibility is a significant advantage. Since the tool is updated daily, we benefit from the latest analyses, swiftly incorporating them into reports shared with our managers,” Ece continues. “The filtering options for reporting are excellent. It's easy to understand what actions can be performed. Everything related to report generation is user-friendly.”

Betek is a forward-thinking company devoted to environmental responsibility, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Through partnerships with artists and architects on creative initiatives and marketing campaigns, Betek fosters innovation and progress across its various departments. We at are extremely proud to work with visionary clients like Betek Boya and dynamic leaders like Ece, who share our drive for growth and social impact.

Ece, thank you again for taking the time to discuss your experiences with us. It was incredibly valuable to hear your firsthand perspective on how our platform has supported Betek’s marketing. As Betek continues bringing vibrant ideas to life, we look forward to evolving alongside you.

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