Best social media & marketing newsletters to sign up in 2024, plus more
Best social media & marketing newsletters to sign up in 2024, plus more

The marketing landscape is ever-changing. As a result, keeping up with the latest algorithms, trends in social networks, and product innovations can be overwhelming. We know how busy digital marketers can be; it’s a struggle to keep up with the latest changes. And even if you can, you have to wade through tons of information on the web. 

To ease access to information, digital marketing communities leverage email newsletters to connect with their audience. 

Unfortunately, people now associate email newsletters with unnecessary inbox clutter. Tons of companies use newsletters as an excuse to send marketing spam to subscribers’ emails.

Does this mean you should ignore newsletters as a source of information? Definitely not.

There are social/digital media newsletters that bring value. Our team spent months testing them to save you time. Listed below are all the best marketing newsletters we found, divided into four segments: social media marketing, digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and opinion leaders.

To those who are interested in free social media marketing courses, we have also prepared a list that we hope you’ll find helpful. 

Social media marketing newsletter 

Social media is an increasingly competitive online market. Data, education, strategy tips, analytics, algorithm explanations, trends, best practice examples, etc. are the common topics of social media newsletters. Stay in the loop with one of the newsletters selected by our team. 

Social media news in a nutshell by 

Social Media Newsletters -
FormatOriginal content
Number of subscribers3000

We’ll shamelessly start with our weekly spam-free newsletter on all the essential social media marketing news. helps marketers to keep up with and understand the nuances of the ever-changing world of social media. Under the title “What’s going on in the world of social media this week? + dates,” we send weekly news for all the social media platforms in just a few sentences. Sign up for our newsletter here. We care about your time and inbox tidiness, so you won’t receive marketing spam from us.

Social Media News in a NutshellGet the latest social media news, insights, and marketing tips in your inbox once a week.

Social Media for Business by Buffer

Social Media Newsletters - Buffer
ScheduleWeekly/Every new blog post
FormatBlog distribution + exclusive content 
Number of subscribers140,000

Buffer’s Social Media for Business email newsletter focuses on social media management for businesses. It provides companies with helpful tips for social media management and social media marketing strategies. It stands out with its business stories—case studies about Buffer clients—which can be pretty insightful. 

In the email, after brief greetings, a letter notifies you about Buffer’s upcoming projects and what kind of information you can expect in the newsletter. Then comes the social media information, split into the following categories: news, quick tips, the latest free templates, and the latest trends. The blog has a friendly tone, and the articles are easy to read. Each article also comes with the estimated time to read it, which is usually 2–9 mins. 

Sprout Social

Social Media Newsletters - Sprout Social
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribers70,000

Sprout’s newsletter is full of insightful reports that not only inform you about the state of the market but also act as an excellent reference for your future articles. You receive advice on everything related to social media marketing (SMM), such as how to hone your SMM skills, the best analytics tools for marketers, how to conduct a competitive analysis, and what to do with received analysis data.
The newsletter also shares a selection of articles that concisely reflect actual thoughts about social media conditions. You can learn why there are no shortcuts to a sustainable social media strategy, steps for a long-term plan correct for diversity and equity, how to launch employee advocacy, and many others. 

Social Hootsuite

Social Hootsuite
FormatPersonalized blog distribution 
Number of subscribersUnknown

Hootsuite’s newsletter will help you to keep up with the news that impacts your media marketing game. Its social media content shines with its informative guides for marketing on different social networks. Its experts share tips and tactics tailored for companies of your size, some of which are derived from their own experiments. Hootsuite’s newsletter is never dull and, most importantly, doesn’t overload your inbox with junk when you sign up.

Digital marketing newsletter 

We have compiled a list of digital marketing newsletters that all marketers should receive in their inboxes. Use the right information to guide your digital marketing strategy.


Digital marketing newsletter  - eMarketer
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribersUnknown

eMarketer sends marketing news and media trends daily. The newsletter is dedicated to decision-makers who need to keep up with the changing media marketing landscape. 

Technically, eMarketer consists of four newsletters: eMarketer Daily, eMarketer Retail by the Numbers, Financial Services Beyond the Chart, and Chart of the Day. You can choose to receive all four newsletters or select the one you are interested in. 

The standard option is eMarketer Daily, which brings you the latest digital marketing and media trends.

Retailers will enjoy a particular newsletter: eMarketer Retail by the Numbers, which distributes loads of data, news, and insights crucial to learning the new eCommerce world. It’s a must-read for the entire retail sector. 

In addition, eMarketer’s Insider Intelligence research team produces a separate bunch of the latest news, data, and analysis. Its Intelligence Marketing division sends exclusive offers and announcements for Insider Intelligence subscribers.

Finally, in the newsletter, you get a daily chart of data and key statistics on current industry dynamics. 

Hubspot Blog

Marketing and Social Media Newsletters - Hubspot Blog
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribers350,000

HubSpot is one of the largest platforms that write about inbound marketing, traffic growth, lead conversion, and digital marketing. The blog has four categories: Marketing, Sales, Service, and Website. You can choose to receive all categories of the newsletter or select the one you want.  

The Marketing blog presents articles that take 6–17 mins to read. You can learn how to do market research and gain access to free tools and templates to plan your content and guide ads in the blog. 

In the Sales blog, you’ll get bits of advice on creating and strengthening your inbound selling plan, complete with templates, and will learn some great tactics for increasing online sales through social media. 

The Services blog focuses on customers’ success shared through customer behavior studies, which might help you to develop a strategy that works and meets your client’s requirements.

For SEO, we recommend subscribing to the Website section. It delivers the best analytics and traffic plugins, web optimization tips, and guides on using intelligent data.


Marketing and Social Media Newsletters - Intercom
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribers40,000

Intercom shares digital marketing news and lessons based on your professional needs. It has five newsletter options: News and Updates, Marketing, Sales, Product & Design, and Engineering.

The News and Updates newsletter covers what to do in post-pandemic life and how the tech industry shapes digital media functionalization. 

Marketing news, gathered from Intercom staff’s research and experience, covers best practices for attracting discerning consumers. 

In Product & Design, you can explore techniques that Intercom utilizes to boost products. 

Finally, the Engineering newsletter explains the mechanism of change and how to get the most out of tech incidents. The articles show how to avoid making technology decisions that slow you down instead of speeding you up and share some thoughts on sustainable engineering and cloud architecture.

Each category is supported by video and podcast materials that enable a full understanding of today’s state of digital media. 

Content Marketing Institute 

Marketing and Social Media Newsletters - CMI
FormatCustomized blog distribution 
Number of subscribersUnknown

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is a trusted source for content marketing, education, events, and consulting.

You can learn from its newsletter what “media planning” is and some advice for content strategies. Most of the articles are supported by a documentary video (20–50 mins) exploring the topic in detail.

Join the CMI community discussions to find the latest news and achievements that push the industry forward. Also, check some exclusive content by Joe Pulizzi, a content marketing speaker, strategist, and entrepreneur. The newsletter offers excellent customization options that let you get out of the CMI menu only the emails you need in your inbox. 

This is worth checking: ✹ Best tools for content marketing.

Search engine optimization (SEO) newsletter

Subscribe to one of the following newsletters and enjoy solid, newsworthy content about SEO. 

The Moz Top Ten

Marketing and Social Media Newsletters - The moz top ten
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribersUnknown

This remarkable Top Ten bi-monthly newsletter focuses on SEO news by featuring the ten most valuable SEO articles. Moz spends innumerable hours researching SEO articles to be able to share the very best of those articles with you so that you need not search for them yourselves.  

Search Engine Land

Marketing and Social Media Newsletters  - Search Engine Land
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribersUnknown

Search Engine Land is the #1 source of search marketing news. It covers all aspects of digital marketing and advertising technologies. Receive a comprehensive overview of exclusive resources, analysis, and insights. Most of their articles are SEO-oriented. 

You get a News Recap that summarises the last day’s news, with all the links if you need to delve deeper into the material, besides a must-read list as suggested by their experts. Their contributors share best practice advice in the Pro Tip of the Day newsletter. 

To gain access to the best insights that search marketers share, subscribe to the Search Chatter newsletter. 

The Soapbox newsletter option brings you short yet insightful opinions from readers and contributors. Sign up here.

Opinion leaders newsletters

Even professionals need mentors and masters to keep learning. All the newsletters listed below are striking, as they feature big names in the industry. 


Marketing and Social Media Newsletters  - Brunchwork Experts
FormatBlog distribution 
Number of subscribersUnknown

Brunchwork is a modern business education platform that mainly offers interactive business workshops. 

Leading marketing and brand experts run workshops and then gather their critical insights into a newsletter. This weekly newsletter will equip you with marketing strategies prepared by companies like Canva, Patagonia, and Red Antler. 

For example, in one of the workshops, Alessandro Bollari (Influencer Marketing Factory CEO) shared his insights for creating a successful influencer marketing campaign. Sunil Subhedar (Canva Global Head of Performance Marketing) taught his top performance marketing strategies. Recently, Matthew Kobach (Fast’s Director of Content Marketing) led a workshop on content marketing.

You’ll also receive templates, campaign recommendations, tech job notices, and marketing career opportunities.

Neil Patel’s Blog

Neil Patel's Blog
FormatOriginal content
Number of subscribersUnknown

According to the Wall Street Journal, Neil is a top influencer. He plans to build practical and effective conjunctions for various types of online activity. 

His newsletter mainly focuses on SEO. Neil often highlights the best SEO practices in various segments. For instance, in his latest blog posts about Google Traffic, he gave keyword recommendations. You will find articles about the cheapest ways to beat your competition and how to unlock massive website traffic.

In his short (4- to 5-min) videos, he covers such themes as growth hacking with infographics, digital marketing jobs you can do from home, and the most valuable marketing skills.

The newsletter has a friendly vibe, a simple design, and content that is easy to digest and understand because it’s very concise—he delivers a message in 80 words.

Ann Handley

Ann Handley
Ann Handley
ScheduleThree to four times a week
FormatOriginal content
Number of subscribersUnknown

Ann Handley is the chief content officer of MarketingProf, the world’s largest B2B marketing community.

Her newsletter has storytelling features, including anecdotes and writing tips, aligned with insightful knowledge on marketing trends and media recommendations. 

Handley emphasizes the role of maintaining a personal connection with readers: she introduces content with personal points and then segues into informative and professional content.

She is experienced enough to also suggest the most essential skills and tactics for future marketing. Her newsletter includes articles on the marketing maturity model, the voice of the customer data, B2B marketing in the post-pandemic, and the state of video infographic marketing in 2024. She also announces upcoming events and free-of-charge webinars devoted to helping you navigate the new era of marketing.

Seth Godin’s Blog

Seth Godin
FormatOriginal content
Number of subscribersUnknown

Seth Godin is an acclaimed marketing thought leader, teacher, and project implementer. On his blog, he shares his own marketing mindset. You will find his contemplations on marketing mediocracy, why blockchain matters, digital business development, and marketing sins. He also shares some sociological observations about the industry, such as emotional labor and mental load.  

The newsletter offers interactive workshops on marketing, bootstrapping, freelancing, podcasting, storytelling, and creativity

You might also want to participate in uniquely designed workshops that you can do in the ‘work’ part. In addition, you will learn strong writing tips from the author of a dozen books. The content is free, and the newsletter promises to be spam-free. 


Social media and marketing newsletters tell meaningful stories and facts that let you stay in the know and, thus, always one step ahead of your competitors. Besides, their substantive and structured information saves you time and money. Find the unique social media and marketing newsletter that’s right for you.

Social Media Newsletters- General CTA
Sirarpi Sahakyan

Sirarpi is an enthusiastic digital marketing specialist 🙃 She enjoys not only writing content about social media and marketing in general but also she has a passion on help readers by providing unique information.